Vad du ska göra om du möter en haj...

How to fight against a shark:

The shark is founf in all waters. deep, shallow, temperate warm our even cold. According to what the statistics show the probability that a shark will atatack a human being in cold waters, below 18C, is almost zero. (Så håll er på kallt vatten..!!)

Why doea it attack? It's motivation is unknown. It saids to be for hunger, which could be the true in some cases, but in others its clear that this is not the reason. The shark could live without eating for a month with no real problem.

How do we defend ourself against sharks?
-Do not undress, leav clothing and footwear on
- If you have discoverd the presence of sharks remain as calm as possible (paniken då? haha!)
-If you have to swim, do it with smooth and regular movments.
-Never try to escape at the moment that a shark attacks: -Swim slowly towards it and turn quickly to one side when its very close. The shark cannot turn around in a short space and on occasions they have the sensation that they are being attacked and will finish by going away.
- There are also some who claim to have escaped a shark by putting their head in the water and shouting with all their strength (HAHAHAHA, bara till att börja lära sig att skricka under vatten nu..) 
- Many people who have survive an attack of a shark has hit them with there feets. There are also those who have grabbed it by a fin and after they let go, usually the shark did not come back.
(- Så, simma sakta! Få inte panik och kämpa emot hajen och slå gärna lite på den, så kommer ni överleva...)

Detta är vad vi lär oss på lektinerna om survival! :D
Ja, jag är seriös, hade kunnat skriva mycket mer om då detta bara är en liiiten del om detta tex är där mer om hur du ska göra om du är kissnödig, måste kräkas, har hemoroider eller andra blodiga sår...
haha, och det värsta är att detta är sant! Skall från och med nu ändast bada i kallt vatten... haha.


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